Friday, August 13, 2010

"Library of Love" Guest Books

I found this unique idea in a Martha Stewart Wedding magazine. I wanted to do something different and creative for our guest book, and when I saw this idea I thought it was perfect. It was also another opportunity for me to craft. To see the Martha Stewart version of this DIY craft click the following link:

Now, here is how I completed this craft. First, you may notice the BRIGHT blue journals with big letters on the front. I found these journals at Michael's for $1 each! I was thrilled to find such a great deal. Of course, something had to be done to make them look nicer, so I found some cardstock paper. I bought a book of it (on sale at Michael's) called "Old World." I loved how the paper was all the same theme and the texture was great too! So... to make a long process short, I covered the books with the paper (using Spray Adhesive and Scotch Quick Dry Adhesive) and then printed out 7 different titles for the books on Velum paper (from Staples). If you click on the picture of the completed journals and zoom in, you can see the titles that we chose for our Library. If you didn't have a chance to sign one at the reception, feel free to comment below, or send me an email and I'll be sure to print it and add it to the book :)

Photo Booth Fun!

Here are some of the pictures from our wedding photo booth. Feel free to click on the picture and make it bigger if you are having trouble viewing it. Also, keep in mind that these are NOT professional photos; I had a tri-pod set up with a digital camera, so the guests took the photos themselves. Since we had two receptions after our ceremony (a cupcake and lemonade reception at the church and a dinner and dancing reception at The Villa) there are still more photos from our other photo booth at the church. I'm excited to see those pictures, because I had my talented cousins Schuyler and Luke McFerran take the photos for that booth. I'll post those soon, so keep checking the blog to see them and other wedding/honeymoon details!

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